How should I stand?!?!?

I get this all the time during shoots and although I like variety during portrait sessions, I definitely recommend everyone know the most flattering ways of standing. This info will come in VERY handy during any events you attend or on your wedding day when every one of your guests will be taking photos of you with their cell phones and you know where those photos will end up!!

So I came across the photo below while browsing on my Pinterest and thought it a perfect example on the “correct” way to stand/pose for a photo! There are four key points to remember while posing for any photo and all three of these ladies are doing them perfectly! Following all four steps will make your body appear taller and thinner and who doesn’t want THAT!?

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Starting from the bottom up:

1. ONE FOOT TO THE FRONT, AND THE OTHER ONE BACK – The foot to the front should have the toes pointing straight to the camera while the toes of your back foot should be angled to the side. Lean your body back and place your body’s weight on the back foot. Be sure to keep your knees slightly bent!

2. ANGLE YOUR HIPS AND TORSO – Following step one should force your hips to stand at an angle. Instead of adjusting your torso to face the front, keep it angled slightly to the side, this will make your waist appear smaller. If you notice on the photo above, all the ladies have one hip forward, one hip back, one shoulder forward, one shoulder back.

3. STAND TALL & SHOULDERS BACK – This means elongating your spine and neck while straightening your shoulders. My clients hear me say this all the time! But it really makes a huge difference for both men and women! Especially around the waist.

4. ARMS SLIGHTLY AWAY FROM YOUR BODY – Aside from your beautiful smile, this is a nice finishing touch. It will keep your arms looking thin. A lot of ladies choose to put their hands on their waist much like Elisabeth Moss (standing on the right) but hands on the waist isn’t all that necessary. As you can see, Christina Hendricks (standing in the middle) has her arms down but aren’t just hanging down. Her elbows are slightly bent and her arms are ever so slightly away from her body. January Jones, standing to the left is doing the same exact thing but holding her hands together.

So give it a try!! I recommend doing it on front of a large mirror and notice how you look standing old regular way and after following the four steps!