Engagment Session // Shannon & Jeff

Meet Louie. He is a precious french bulldog, just a few months old, that is in no way as mean as he may seem. And even though he is tiny, he’s played a huge role getting Shannon and Jeff engaged which is why he just had to be part of this session… at times taking on the lead role! I can’t say I’m posting all of my favorites here on my site. Some I’ve reserved just for the couple to reveal on their Save the Date’s, but even so… There’s still a lot to love from this awesome couple’s session… And Louie!

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©2014 | www.AmaByAisha.com | Houston photographer
©2014 | www.AmaByAisha.com | Houston photographer
©2014 | www.AmaByAisha.com | Houston photographer

©2014 | www.AmaByAisha.com | Houston photographer